This podcast episode is an AI generated discussion. I put it together in about half-an-hour.
As an experiment, and a follow-up to my 2023 post of a similar nature, I asked Chat-GPTo1 several questions about how the development of AI would affect the human world in 2025. I then copied each answer into its own tab in a Google Document, which you can find here, if you’re interested.
The fun part comes in the next step. I next imported the Google Document into a Google Notebook LM file as a source (I could have also put each question/answer as its own source), and then asked that AI to generate an Audio Overview.
The audio overview uses text-to-voice to create a two-personal podcast discussion that does a ‘deep dive’ into the content in the Notebook sources. You can see for yourself that it doesn’t just regurgitate the information, but it actually does an AI analysis and compiles much more than was added.
Currently, Notebook can only use the same two voices, so they are recognizable if you know them. However, I have experimented with uploading the audio file to Speechify, where it is possible to then change the voices and even tones of the speakers.
I haven’t added video of speakers yet, mostly because AI video generation is the new kid on the block and public-facing versions, such as KLING, are still not suitable to more than a few seconds of video (although it can, apparently, lip sync). I could, however, do what some YouTubers are now doing, and use an AI like Invideo to generate a video of relevant stock content to put with the audio.
AI may still lack much of the creative insights of a human, but it can still do an amazing job at presenting information none-the-less.
But what do you think?
Is this a road too far? Are we in danger of losing ourselves in the operation? Or is it all just a set of really useful tools?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments and let’s have a discussion.
And until next time…
Good health. Good friends. Good fortune.
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